четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.

Ladies of the World.

Greetings, Ladies of the World!
All of you: black, and white, and shy, and bold…
Once again allow me to express
My admiration of you. No more, no less.

Dearest Ladies of the World,
All of you, who make us warm in bitter cold,
Know, that your spirits’ inextinguishable fire
Is undoubtedly worth to respect and admire.

Gorgeous Ladies of the World,
In myth and stories both new and old
Your beauty and wisdom are constantly praised.
On these stories, like most of us, I was raised.

Enchanting Ladies of the World,
In all these stories you are mostly called
Goddesses, princesses… And it is truly the case
Regardless of your origin, colour and race.

Life-changing Ladies of the World,
Believe me, long ago it was foretold
That we will enter a great and sustainable age
And you will be the driver of that positive change.

You are amazing, Ladies of the World,
With hearts brighter than pure gold
And much more valuable, if you ask me!
One just needs to fall in love with you and see.

Beloved Ladies of the World,
I want to embrace you all and hold,
And whisper tender words that come to mind,
And wish you great love in life to find!

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