среда, 27 мая 2009 г.
At the Dolphinarium.
Welcome, my friend, to the dolphinarium!
Here, in the huge and clean aquarium,
You will meet some very clever creatures
With a lot of distinguishing features.
This is like a beautiful and enchanting play,
And it is getting better almost every day.
And actors here are simply very good guys,
They are dolphins, they are clever and wise.
Dolphins, they are so beautiful and strong!
They can have fun and play all day long,
They are so wonderful, good and nice,
That every day with them is a surprise!
Oh, those dolphins, they’re so quite!
They don’t speak, but they’re not mute:
They are whistling and chirping all the day
And chattering even during the play.
Stop and look, my friend, how they can run
On their strong tails, and have lots of fun
Watching their own magnificent show,
And applaud, sitting in the very front row.
We are all like under a wonderful spell,
When they act so nice, so great, so well
In their own large swimming pool.
Oh, that’s great! That is really cool!
They can do lots of tricks with the ball:
They can play tennis, football, basketball.
They can spin a hoop or throw a dish,
And receive for that a bucket full of fish.
Dolphins, they are Masters of the Sea!
And I really consider all of them to be
Even smarter and more clever than a man,
And even wiser! So, I’m a dolphins’ fan!
Dolphin is considered an excellent healer,
But Orcinus orca – a strong and fearless killer.
They are all different, each one has his own way
To live and to survive every other day.
But be he Stenella, or be he Tursiops,
Or a small Feresa, or simply Delphinus,
He is a dolphin, a good and mysterious beast,
Water is his home, and shoals are his feast.
But it is time to leave this wonderful place.
The show is now over, and my face
Expresses sadness, because I say farewell
To my friends, for how long, I cannot tell.
But I promise myself that I will come back,
Because without dolphins it will be a rack!
I will meet them again to increase my vitality,
And to save them from the human bruitality!
среда, 20 мая 2009 г.
Ах, когда это было? – Это было давно.
Какой то был день, нам сейчас все равно.
Плакат иль письмо, или новость от друга
В нашу жизнь ворвалась вдруг ниоткуда.
Мы в зале большом на «Big Picture» сидели,
И интервью состоялось где-то через неделю.
Сколько же было тогда волнений и дрожи,
А после – те вопли: «Я выбран! О, Боже!».
Затем – департамент, команды, проекты…
Вокруг суетятся другие занятые субъекты.
Веселье и труд; вечеринки и сразу работа,
Ведь выполнить цели всем нам ой как охота!
Вот помнятся выборы – кипели там страсти!
А затем… это большое, но мокрое счастье.
«Пожалуйте, приз вам – годик мандата,
Чтоб рост и успех принесли вы, ребята».
Очень много хорошего мы сделали вместе.
Конечно, были и ошибки, и мрачные вести.
Однако, лишь испробовав всей этой каши,
Мысли, поступки наши стали светлее и краше.
Ах, когда это было… Это было давно.
Время в AIESEC пролетело, словно в кино.
Уже стоим мы на сцене для передачи мандата.
Наше время прошло.
Настало ваше время, ребята!
вторник, 19 мая 2009 г.
The X Guys: Evolution.
This humorous song is a presentation (roll-call) of the Exchange Department team called the "X Guys" within the organization AIESEC in Moldova. It is based on the song "Sexual Revolution" by the group "Army of Lovers".
Hey, eXchange! Let’s come together!
Our team shall last forever.
We will make a revolution
Through “The X Guys: Evolution”!
Our aim is the World uniting.
For this goal we continue striving.
It is like a constitution
Of the X Guys: Evolution!
You want to travel abroad,
But cannot find the best road…
We’ve come to show you the way.
We see the light in your eyes –
A sign for all the X Guys.
So, listen to what we now say!
We’ll raise you…
A great XP is yet to come!
We’ll match you…
We gotta fight keep moving on!
We’ll send you…
Stand together with no rage
And get ready for a change –
Yo, EPs! Let’s get excited!
Your TN – we’ll try to find it.
This is our contribution –
Work of X Guys: Evolution!
We don’t stop on first endeavour
And we fail almost never.
This is just a short allusion
By the X Guys: Evolution!
We have some good-looking MTs.
Or maybe you want TTs?
What is better, just say.
Why limit choice only to two
When there’s the whole World for you?
So, now get ready to pay!
We raise you…
So, come on, people, take the chance!
We match you…
The time is right to do it, hence…
We send you…
Grab your laptops and engage!
Make them feel another change –
To the firms we go together.
They refuse us hardly ever.
TN is raised with no confusion
By the X Guys: Evolution!
CSF is in constant rising
And it’s not at all surprising –
For a risk we have solution
Made by X Guys: Evolution!
We raised you…
The great XP is ready here!
We matched you…
Grab it, fellows, with no fear!
We sent you…
Be a leader, smart and sage,
And the agent of good change –
Hey, eXchange! Let’s come together!
Our team shall last forever.
We will make a revolution
Through “The X Guys: Evolution”!
Our aim is the World uniting.
For this goal we continue striving.
It is like a constitution
Of the X Guys: Evolution!
With eXchange we stay together!
Our passion lasts forever!
Time to make a good conclusion:
We are X Guys: Evolution!!!
The singing of the song by the author is available to download HERE (for AIESEC members only). The video materials about the "Exchange" programme of AIESEC can be viewed HERE and HERE.
понедельник, 18 мая 2009 г.
We are the Members of AIESEC Moldova.
Another funny song from the "I am an AIESEC-er" collention. This one is about the establishment and growth of AIESEC in Moldova. It is based on the song "I Need a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler.
Where have all the leaders gone and were are all the guys
To strive for excellence and to make our society nice?
Isn’t there a brave one to satisfy this need?
That is why we’ve planted here AIESEC’s another seed!
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
We’ve established it here.
It’s AIESEC’s new gear
The whole our country to cover.
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
We were quite sure
That it’ll sparkle quite soon.
And it flashed like a supernova!
AIESEC Moldova!
With the kind help of our neighbor Romania
We went to the officials with not even a sign of fear.
Flashing like the lighting and rising with the heat
In Moldova AIESEC’s heart began right away to beat!
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
We are superstrong!
We are superfine!
Possessing the teamwork power!
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
We make life to change,
We increase the eXchange.
Moldova, we are here to hover!
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
And when sorrow with many problems arise
And you need a piece of advice
We are here for you to help your mood right away rise.
Even in crisis without a fee
We’re always ready to be
The effective leaders of our AIESEC MD!
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
We’ve made the “Next Step” –
It’s life’s one more lap.
And it’s definitely not at all over!
We are the members!
We are the members of AIESEC in the country Moldova!
We’re using Insight.
And we do it quite right,
Reaching even Iowa.
Noi suntem membrii!
Noi suntem membrii a lui AIESEC în ţara Moldova!
AIESEC MD am creat,
Viaţa lui noi am dat
Din o picătură de rouă.
Noi suntem membrii!
Noi suntem membrii a lui AIESEC în ţara Moldova!
Aceasta noi dezvoltăm,
Cu multe probleme luptăm!
Noi am avut şi soare, şi plouă!
четверг, 14 мая 2009 г.
The Story of AIESEC.
This is a humorous hymn briefly describing the history of the global non-government organization of young people AIESEC. It is based on the song "Ma Baker" by the group "Boney M".
FREEZE! We’re from AIESEC!
Clap your hands in the air and give us all you’ve got!
This is the story of AIESEC: how it rose in the time of downgrade and became the international organization of students…
It was the time of ruin,
Where evil chaos ruled,
When the flame of war
At last had shrunk and cooled…
There was no hope at all.
No-no-no hope at all.
There was a need of force
To lead the world to light.
It was the primal cause
For seven guys to fight.
And they went then along
‘Cause they were brave and strong.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You were created by them.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! A precious small gem.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! Your future is near.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You’ve breached the frontiers!
AIESEC began to grow
Heading right all the way,
Involving many states
And even the USA.
There were so many goals.
Quite many, many goals.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You’ve risen to light.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! Your shining is bright.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You’re attractive to all.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You had the growth and the falls!
Then AIESEC went on-line
And made a nice Insight,
Where all the students can
Exchange all day and night:
Go whether here or there…
Ah, simply everywhere!
"Here is a special bulletin.
AIESEC is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential. Its representatives can be found almost in every country. We have all the information about the organization, so, please, contact the nearest AIESEC committee…"
Let’s everybody move! AIESEC is here to change our lives!
So, nowadays
It covers all the world.
It has so many ways
To reach the global goals.
AIESEC conducts Exchange
And helps society change.
The status of consultant
In the UN we have.
Without any doubt
Our great work we love.
And our AIESEC tends
To make a lot of friends.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You strive for the best.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You’re any country’s a zest.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You never go down.
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! You’re always around!
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! We respond now: What’s up?!
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! We always go up!
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! We are a good few!
He-he-he-he… Hey, AIESEC! And we’re waiting for YOU!!!
The singing of the song by the author is available to download HERE (for AIESEC members only).
The video materials describing the history of the organization AIESEC can be viewed HERE and HERE.
вторник, 12 мая 2009 г.
С Днем Рождения, «Размышления»!
- С Днем Рождения!!!
Нет, это не очередное поздравление мне как имениннику, хотя мой день рождения и приходится на 9 мая. Как ни странно, слова эти адресованы… книге.
В марте – апреле 2007 года я решил отобрать свои наиболее удачные стихотворения и рассказы, написанные за период 2002 – 2006 гг., и опубликовать их в виде небольшого сборника. В течение месяца были оформлены авторские права, составлен макет книги для печати и сдан в типографию. И 9 мая 2007 года на свой день рождения я получил полный тираж данного сборника произведений.
Таким образом, в мае 2009 года исполнилось уже 2 года со дня «рождения» моей первой и пока что единственной опубликованной книги.
В сборник вошло большинство стихотворных произведений, представленных на данном блоге, а также два ранее упомянутых рассказа.
Более полная информация об этом издании представлена ниже.
Размышления: мир души и сердца моего. Избранное.
Сборник произведений. 2002 – 2006 гг.
Автор: Александр Ищенко
Название: Размышления: мир души и сердца моего. Избранное.
Год: 2007
Переплет: мягкий
Количество страниц: 74
Тираж: 100 экз.
Данное издание содержит собрание избранных стихотворений, сгруппированных по разной тематике: философская лирика, стихотворения о природе, посвящения женщинам и др.
Также в сборник вошли два произведения в прозе: фантастическая повесть «Черная дыра», рассказывающая о первом путешествии людей через гиперпространство и знакомстве с новым миром и иной цивилизацией, а также легенда о дельфинах «Дорога к счастью», предлагающая объяснение появления на свете двух видов дельфинов с точки зрения древнегреческой мифологии.
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